"Bumblebee-class Transport" is the name that has been applied, somewhat derogatorily, to any heavily-modified Firefly-class ship, or a ship that is cobbled together from mainly Firefly-class parts. This particular vessel, the Levity, features a rear engine module and wing-mounted VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) thrusters like the Firefly, but has been retro-fitted with a science lab and hydroponic garden, reducing the cargo hold space but better equipping it for exploratory missions (as opposed to smuggling operations).
The name of the ship, Levity, comes from the two meanings of the word. The better-known meaning is that to do with lightheartedness, fun, frivolity, and a lack of taking anything too seriously -- which describes the Captain quite well. The other, lesser-known meaning comes from the Latin root levis, meaning "weightless" or "buoyant" (cf. levitate). Thus, by both definitions, levity is the opposite of gravity... perfect for a spaceship.
Levity, like most ships of her size, has three main decks, with the lower deck comprised almost entirely of the cargo hold. Levity's cargo hold serves as a makeshift gym, and also boasts two small hydroponic gardens, along with a few "troublesome little nooks" left over from her smuggling days. The crew has also been known to sometimes play a game of cards here. While planetside, the cargo hold door is typically left down, to act as a makeshift ramp.

The middle deck contains passenger quarters which have been appropriated to house the expanded crew of eight. The formerly two-story cargo hold has been converted here into a medbay to treat any sickness or injuries, and science lab for conducting research. The rear of the ship is home to the reactor core, which can be accessed from either the upper deck or the mid deck.
At the front of the upper deck of course is the bridge, which holds communications and navigation modules. Additional crew quarters are located just aft of the bridge, along the passageway that runs to the galley (aka, "common room"). This is where the crew join together to take meals, socialize, and enjoy some light R&R during their sparse free time. To the rear of the galley is the stairwell that leads to the reactor room, where the mechanic keeps the engines in working order.
At night, the reactor core glows brightly.

The Levity is available for download on the Gallery! (Search for #firefly.) No CC, but the "reactor core" is made with items from Get to Work and Patio Stuff, so at minimum those are required for the ship to look right.