Starting Out / Building the Crash Site
- you may use money cheats / freerealestate to build your spaceship/crash site
- one bedroom per crew member, containing
- a single bed
- a small dresser/nightstand (optional)
- a desk & chair (optional)
- some shelves (optional)
- one bathroom per every four (4) crew members, containing
- one toilet
- one sink
- one shower
- optional - you may split the toilet/sink and shower into separate rooms
- one common room / mess hall / galley, containing:
- one or more dining tables and enough chairs to seat the entire crew
- a food storage unit (refrigerator)
- one or more food preparation units (stove, microwave, coffee maker, tea brewer)
- a waste disposal unit (the NanoCan Touchless trash can)
- optional - you may have a separate "lounge" area, or include the following items in the common room area:
- a bookcase
- additional seating (sofas/loveseats)
- small skill-building a recreational items, including:
- chessboard
- guitar
- easel
- playing cards
- notebooks
- radio
- a "control room" (aka, the bridge / flight deck), containing:
- one or two desks with non-usable computers
- make them non-usable by breaking them, not having a chair at the desk, or via a no-autonomy mod
- an engine room, containing:
- a workbench
- a rocket kit
- a gym, with up to two pieces of workout equipment
- a laboratory, containing:
- a microscope
- optional - bookcases, desks, shelves, counters, tables (to make it look like a lab)
- one large (square) garden planter per every two (2) sims
- you may purchase the following items at the start (you may temporarily use the computer to do so):
- one seed packet per every three (3) sims
- 2 skill books (lowest level), plus one for every three (3) sims
- one medicine for each crewmate
- after building, moving in, and purchasing the above items, you may disable bills (households.autopay_bills true)
- no double beds
- no other computers/tablets or TVs (these may be placed, as long as you have mods to prevent autonomous use)
- no tubs, hot tubs, pools, or fountains
- no services (including "Order...")
- no townies / unplayed households
- no businesses or venues
- no careers
- after building, moving in, and purchasing the above items, you must set household funds to $0 (money 0).
Act I: Survival and Repairs
- allowed sources of income include:
- the NanoCan Touchless trashcan
- gardening
- fishing
- collecting:
- harvesting / produce
- minerals, metals, crystals
- insects and frogs
- NOT allowed to be sold: fossils and figurines
- salvaged parts from repairs
- note that some upgrade parts are needed to complete a goal
- disallowed sources of income include:
- anything not explicitly mentioned above under "allowances" cannot be sold, including:
- paintings
- sculptures/woodworking products
- books
- photographs
- microscope prints
- song licensing
- collectible fossils and figurines
- etc.
- however, you can and should hang on to any of these items, to sell/use after Act I is completed.
- Survive! Don't starve.
- find a reliable source of water (either a fishing hole or another body of water)
- reward: you are allowed to plant more crops in addition to the initial planter boxes
- Repair the Communications module, part 1:
- get one or more crew members to max-level Handiness and max-level Logic (this doesn't have to be on a single sim)
- repair (if needed) and fully Upgrade at least one computer in the flight control room.
- note that the upgrades will require parts salvaged from repairing other items
- reward: the computer may be used ONLY for developing Programming skill
- you may not use Programming or other actions that make money
- you may not use any Web or Social actions
- Repair the Communications module, part 2:
- get a crew member to max-level Programming
- reward: you may use Web or Social-based computer activities
- reward: you may use TVs
- Get home!
- build and fully upgrade the Rocket Ship
- the rocket ship kit may be bought/placed during the initial ship building stage
- for an easier challenge, you may stop after three upgrades
- you may "test" the rocket ship (by using it) before it is fully upgraded, but note that you run the risk of crashes and costly repairs
- get one crew member to max-level Rocket Science
- Once the Rocket Ship is Fully Upgraded, you may consider yourself to have "won" this part of the challenge!
- you may move your crew into a new Neighborhood to begin "normal" Sim lives
- you may sell any/everything of value from the crash site and divvy up the funds, along with any personal property or crafted items
- or you may simply use a money cheat to get them started -- you're out of the challenge rules at this point. :)
- You may choose, at any time before or after completing the Act I goals, to continue with Act II: Colonization.
Act II: Colonization
Progression, Settlers' Homes:
- A water source must be found before homes can be built.
- Initial homes may include the following:
- sinks
- bathtubs
- "outhouse" style toilets
- grills/BBQs and grill-like stoves
- refrigerators (either the "old-timey" cabinet-like ones, or the super-high-tech, salvaged-from-the-spaceship ones)
- candles or oil lamps for light
- any furniture "scavenged" from the ship: divvy this up among the crew
- Initially, homes may NOT include:
- other appliances or electronics (including TV, radio, computer)
- any plumbing not mentioned above (including showers, hot tubs, pools, fountains)
- electric lights
- After the Mayor has established a Proper Infrastructure, electricity and running water are unlocked.
- Homes may now include:
- showers
- indoor toilets
- electric lights
- proper stoves and refrigerators
- other appliances
- small radios (the kind that would play digital music, not broadcast stations)
- Homes may NOT yet include:
- computers & TVs
- Business and community lots/venues may be built
- After electricity is enabled and 1-2 settlers have reached max-level Handiness, Logic, and Programming between them, home Computers may be used.
- Allowed functions include those pertaining to skilling up Programing, Writing, or VideoGaming.
- No "Order..." services until Town Services are unlocked.
- No Web- or Social-based actions until Internet services are established.
- After Internet Services are unlocked:
- all Computer actions are available
- TVs and radios may be used
Progression, Town and Mayor:
- Proper Infrastructure
- become Best Friends with a max-Handiness colonist
- unlocks "electricity" and "running water"
- allows construction of Businesses and Venues
- Business and Commerce:
- achieve level 7 Charisma
- become Best Friends with a business owner
- either the Mayor or the business owner must have the "Business Savvy" trait
- unlocks "free community lots":
- one free/town-owned business or venue may be placed for every 5 households
- Build City Hall
- achieve level 7 Logic
- become at least Acquaintances with every Sim in the neighborhood
- unlocks Careers (each individual career may still have other goals/requirements for unlocking)
- households must start paying taxes (households.autopay_bills false)
- Immigration:
- achieve level 10 (max) Charisma
- Internet Services must be unlocked
- allows creation of new households in CAS, as per the "Increasing Population" guidelines:
- you earn 1 Sim (or alien) household per community lot (whether settler-owned/business or town-owned/venue)
- you earn 1 household for every settler (other than the Mayor) with max Charisma
Progression, Businesses and Venues:
- require Proper Infrastructure to build
- can be owned by individual Sims (i.e., business), or owned by the town itself (i.e., a venue)
- one free/town-owned business or venue may be placed for every 5 households, once the Mayor has completed the "Business and Commerce" goal.
- certain types of businesses and venues must be built to unlock certain careers; each of these, in turn, has its own requirements to be built:
- these can be settler-owned or town-owned; you may also combine two or more of these into the same lot, as long as requirements are met
- Bar - Mixology 7 on 1 sim
- Restaurant - Cooking 7 or Gourmet Cooking 7 on 1 sim
- Comedy Club - Comedy 7 on 1 sim
- Nightclub/Lounge - Mixology 7 on 1 sim + Guitar/Piano/Comedy 7 on 1 sim
- Concert Hall - Guitar/Piano/Violin 7 on 2 different sims; skills must be different
- Gym - Fitness 7 on 1 sim
- Art Gallery - Painting/Photography 7 on 1 sim
- Arcade - VideoGaming 7 on 1 sim
- Library/Bookstore - Writing 7 on 1 sim
- City Park - Gardening 7 on 1 sim
- Fishing Lodge/Aquarium - Fishing 7 on 1 sim
- Museum - 1 settler with at least 20 collectables; at least 10 of these must be donated to build the museum
Progression, Civil Services/Public Works
- these are additional requirements for unlocking certain careers
- these do not physically have to be built, but the requirements must be met for unlocking
- note that schools must be unlocked for your kids/teens to attend, so you may want to use a mod to prevent bad grades & social workers
- for goals that allow 1 new CAS family to be added (denoted ***), this does not require the Mayor to have completed the Immigration goal, but it does require a Repaired Communications Module from Act I.
- City Hall:
- Mayor must complete "City Hall" goal
- unlocks bills and careers (other individual career requirements must still be met)
- Orphanage:
- requires City Hall, and a Sim baby or child must have been taken away due to neglect
- unlocks "Adopt Baby" action
- Grade School:
- requires at least 1 child in the settlement, and 1 settler to teach (max Logic & Writing)
- allows Sim children to go to school
- you may add 1 new CAS family***
- High School:
- requires at least 1 teen in the settlement, and 1 settler to teach, and 1 coach (max Fitness)
- allows sim teens to go to school
- you may add 1 new CAS family***
- Sports Arena:
- requires City Hall and High School
- unlocks Athlete - Pro Athlete career
- draws lots of good publicity, allowing 1 new CAS family*** and 1 new free community lot
- Hospital
- requires 10 settlers to have gotten sick, or 2 settlers to have died, or 4 settlers to have given birth at home
- unlocks Medical career and "Order Medicine" action
- you may add 1 new CAS family***
- Police Station
- requires City Hall, and: 10 settlers to have gotten in a fight, or 2 settlers have died of unnatural causes, or Black Market has been built.
- unlocks Detective career and Astronaut - Space Ranger career (also requires Science Center)
- you may add 1 new CAS family***
- Science Center
- requires City Hall and High School, and 1 settler with max Logic and max Handiness
- unlocks the following careers:
- Scientist
- Astronaut - Space Ranger (also requires Police Station)
- Astronaut - Interstellar Smuggler (also requires Black Market)
- Secret Agent - Diamond Agent (also requires Internet Services + specific type of venue; see description under "Careers" section)
- Secret Agent - Villain (also requires Internet Services + Black Market)
- Internet Services
- requires City Hall and High School, and 1-2 settlers with max Logic, Handiness, and Programming between them
- also requires the "Repair the Communications module" goal from Act I to be completed
- unlocks all computer actions, TVs, radios, cell phone usage
- unlocks the following careers:
- Criminal - Oracle
- Business - Investor (also requires at least 1 business lot)
- Secret Agent - Diamond Agent (also requires Science Center + specific type of venue; see description under "Careers" section)
- Secret Agent - Villain (also requires Science Center + Black Market)
- Tech Guru - Start-up (also requires Business career to be unlocked)
- Black Market
- requires City Hall, and 1-2 settlers with max Fitness, Handiness, and Mischief between them
- unlocks the following careers:
- Criminal - Boss
- Astronaut - Interstellar Smuggler (also requires Science Center)
- Secret Agent - Villain (also requires Science Center + Internet Services)
Town Services: all are locked at the start, and unlocked as follows:
- Adoption Service: needs Orphanage
- Pizza Delivery: needs Restaurant business or venue
- Maid: at least 10 separate households in the settlement
Progression, Careers:
- all careers are locked to start with, and may be unlocked only after City Hall is built
- unlocking most careers is closely tied to the construction of various community lots and/or Public Works
- the first Sim in each career must have a certain set of Traits and/or complete a certain Aspiration in order to fully unlock the career permanently for all
- Astronaut - Space Ranger:
- Science Center + Police Station
- sim must be Active + Genius, or must complete Nerd Brain
- Astronaut - Interstellar Smuggler:
- Science Center + Black Market
- sim must be Active + Genius, or must complete Nerd Brain or Chief of Mischief
- Athlete - Bodybuilder:
- Gym
- sim must complete Bodybuilder aspiration
- Athlete - Pro Athlete:
- Sports Arena
- sim must be Active + Bro
- Business - Investor:
- Internet Services + at least 1 business or venue.
- sim must be Ambitious + Self-Assured, or must complete Fabulously Wealthy
- Business - Management:
- any 3 businesses or venues
- sim must be Ambitious + Self-Assured, or must complete Fabulously Wealthy
- Criminal - Boss:
- Black Market
- sim must complete Public Enemy or Chief of Mischief
- Criminal - Oracle:
- Internet Services
- sim must complete Public Enemy or Chief of Mischief or Computer Whiz
- Culinary - Chef:
- Restaurant
- sim must complete Master Chef
- Culinary - Mixologist:
- Bar or Nightclub/Lounge
- sim must complete Master Mixologist
- Detective:
- Police Station
- sim must be Ambitious + either Good or Evil, or must complete Friend of the World or Chief of Mischief
- Doctor:
- Hospital
- sim must be Genius + Neat, and CANNOT be Goofball, Hot-headed, Clumsy, Glutton, Insane, Lazy, Squeamish, Evil, Hates Children, Mean
- Entertainer - Comedian:
- Comedy Club or Nightclub
- sim must complete Joke Star
- Entertainer - Musician:
- Nightclub/Lounge or Concert Hall
- sim must complete Musical Genius
- Painter - Master:
- Art Gallery
- sim must complete Painter Extraordinaire
- Painter - Patron:
- Art Gallery or Museum
- sim must be Art Lover + either Snob or Materialistic, or must complete Mansion Baron or Party Animal
- Scientist:
- Science Center
- sim must be either Geek or Genius, and must complete either Nerd Brain or Curator
- Secret Agent - Diamond:
- Science Center + Internet Services + one of: Nightclub/Lounge, Art Gallery, Museum, Concert Hall
- sim must complete either Friend of the World or Serial Romantic
- Secret Agent - Villain
- Science Center + Internet Services + Black Market
- sim must complete Chief of Mischief
- Tech Guru - Gamer
- Arcade
- sim must be Geek + Childish, or must complete Computer Whiz
- Tech Guru - Start-up
- Internet Services + Business career must also be unlocked
- sim must complete either Computer Whiz or Fabulously Wealthy
- Writer - Author:
- Bookstore or Library or School or High School
- sim must complete Bestselling Author aspiration
- Writer - Journalist:
- City Hall + any TWO "news-worthy" events within the last week:
- a settler has died unnaturally
- 2 fires have happened
- 4 fights have happened
- 4 settlers have become sick
- a new business or venue has opened
- a new Public Works has been unlocked
- a new Mayorial goal has been achieved
- a settler has reached the top of his/her career
- a "paranormal" sighting (ghosts or aliens)
- sim must be Outgoing + Bookworm
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